Business to Business Partners


Attention all Business Partners!

Bonnieheath Estate would love to learn more about you and your business!

We have the following types of Business partner accounts:

Restaurants - Discounts on Wines, Ciders, and Culinary Products

Artisans - Discounts on Raw Lavender Products

Bakery - Discounts on Culinary Products

Commercial OEM - Bulk Essential Oils, Bulk Hydrosols, Grapes, Wine

Resellers - Discounts on Bonnieheath brand products, Culinary, Bath and Body, Essential Oils

Specialty Box Clubs - Discounts on Bonnieheath brand products, Culinary, Bath and Body, Essential Oils

Tour Operators - Tours and events, add-ons

Professional Photographers - Photography Bookings and Rentals

Local Vendors - Market, onsite selling, and reselling opportunities

Service/Experience Providers - We resell your program through our booking portal

Real Estate Agents - discounts for frequent rentals